I have the following:
Dim ResourceAdapter As New ResourcesTableAdapters.ResourcesTableAdapter
Dim dF As Data.DataTable = ResourceAdapter.GetDataByDistinct
Dim numRows = dF.Rows.Count
Dim dS As Data.DataTable = ResourceAdapter.CountQuery
Dim sumRows = dS.Rows.Count
DataList1.DataSource = dF
LblCount.Text = numRows
LblSum.Text = sumRows
numRows is the number of records in a particular category. CountQuery is a method that returns the total number of records in all the categories. I don't know how to get the result of that query, the code line in bold isn't right. How do I get this number?
If you are getting a single count value, you can use the above statement. Make sure you validate nulls, else an exception will be raised
|||Thank you.
Dim ResourceAdapter As New ResourcesTableAdapters.ResourcesTableAdapter
Dim dF As Data.DataTable = ResourceAdapter.GetDataByDistinct
Dim numRows = dF.Rows.Count
Dim dS As Data.DataTable = ResourceAdapter.CountQuery
Dim sumRows = ds.Rows[0][0].ToString()
But before I can assign the count to sumRows, don't I have to fix the line above it (in bold)? That line gives me the compiler error
Value of type 'System.Nullable(Of Integer)' cannot be converted to 'System.Data.DataTable'.
|||Are you sure ResourceAdapter.CountQuery returns a datatable? If so check if you have any rows available or not first
If (ds.Rows.Count > 0)
Dim sumRows = ds.Rows(0)(0).ToString() /// i am c# code, not sure of how you refer a two dimensional arrary
End If
|||I'm not sure what it returns. The query is one that's designed to return only one row, the number of records in the table. I'm not sure how to get that.
|||Looking at the error you are getting (ie: Value of type 'System.Nullable(Of Integer)' cannot be converted to 'System.Data.DataTable'. )
I would say you need to have
Dim sumRows as Int
sumRows = ResourceAdapter.CountQuery
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