Monday, March 26, 2012

how to create dynamic columns in a temporary table

Hi there,
i have a requirement that a temporary table contains dynamic columns depending on where condition.

my actual table is like

Key Value X1 x X3 x X5 x Y1 y Y2 y

when user select x, the input variable passed to stored proc and the result is shown like

column names
X1 X3 X5 as column headers.

the select query is from temporary table.

these out put is based on the user selection. so the temporary table created with columns dynamically.

please help me out.
please let me know if you didn't understand.


Here the sample script,

Code Snippet

use tempdb


Create Table data (

[Key] Varchar(100) ,

[Value] Varchar(100)


Insert Into data Values('X1','x');

Insert Into data Values('X3','x');

Insert Into data Values('X5','x');

Insert Into data Values('Y1','y');

Insert Into data Values('Y2','y');

Code Snippet

create table #temp(dummy bit);

Declare @.Script as Varchar(8000);

Declare @.Script_prepare as Varchar(8000);

Set @.Script_prepare = 'Alter table #temp Add [?] varchar(100);'

Set @.Script = ''


@.Script = @.Script + Replace(@.Script_prepare, '?', [Key])




[Value] = 'X'

Exec (@.Script)

Alter table #temp drop column dummy;

Select * from #temp;

drop table #temp

|||Hi sekaran,
very nice and thanks alot.

but, i don't know that [key]. it's not static.
it is based on the result from a select query.
how to replace that '?' with the key, i need to write some other logic to get that key...

PRaveen.|||Can you post more information like result query & etc.?

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