Friday, February 24, 2012

How to copy store procedure from SQL 2000 to 2005?

I'm using MS SQL Server Management Studio. How do copy my store procedures that are on the SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005? What are my options? I don't have admin rights...only rights to my can script the procedures in sql 2000 and run the script in sql 2005 for the procs to be created..............but i believe you need to have sysadmin privilege...........|||

You can read the definition from

SELECT Routine_definition
Where Routine_Name = 'YourProcedureName'

Jens K. Suessmeyer


Expanding on Jens' comments:

Since the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are accessible by 'Public', you may read the procedure definitions, and then you can copy and paste into a new query window for the SQL 2005 server, and after you execute the code, the procedure will be saved in the SQL 2005 server.


Now, this is one procedure at a time, correct?



That's correct.

If you had admin rights, then there are much easier methods.

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