There is an attribute that have type DateTime, based on the field type in data source. It hasn't separate name column. The member caption is formatted as yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss. Can I control the format of Member name without giving separate name column.
I assigned different format in the format field of key property window, but it had no effect. What I did wrong?
Hello. I do not think that you will have to pay any penalty from adding a new column in the data source view with a new format of your date column. I recommend to use the TSQL function CONVERT that have arguments for different date formats. Have a look at CONVERT in Books On Line, and you will see the complete list of different codes/arguments for different date formats.
Thomas Ivarsson
|||Thank you,
I thought about more sofisticated solution, that can be used in multi culture environment without adding x additional fields with "formatting" of a datetime attribute.
I hoped, that the AS2005 is smarter as AS2005 and offers more possibilties.
Do you know what is the format field in key properties for?
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